Meet Dr. Kevin Krieger
Your Sarasota Chiropractor

Sarasota Chiropractor,
Dr. Kevin Krieger with his wife, Kristine
“When I thought about what I wanted to do for a living – I have to admit, I didn’t have the answer. The only thing I did know is that I wanted to help others be well.” I’ve always been fascinated by the way God constructed our bodies to function, with such precision and symmetry. I had an Uncle who I respected very much. He was a chiropractor who truly enjoyed helping people and loved watching his patients feel better through the natural effects of a properly functioning nervous system. And after watching him, it just made sense for me.” So, in 1993, Dr. Kevin set out for Marietta, Georgia to enroll at Life University to secure his degree as a Doctor of Chiropractic.
There was one other influence in my decision to become a chiropractor: falling in love.
Yes, it’s true! Dr. Kevin met his wife, Kristine, during the time that he was starting to consider becoming a chiropractor. “Falling in love with her made me realize that this decision would impact far more than my life, it would change hers, too. Lucky for me, she was on board! We married shortly before I began college and she willingly walked beside me and supported me during the ups and downs of college life.”
“Back pain is such a small part of what we do! And the more I learned about the way my profession would impact my patients, the more excited I was to be a part of helping patients like you, not just recover, but understand your body’s make-up and discover your optimal health.”
After graduation Dr. Kevin moved back to Michigan, where he practiced for over 13 years. And when the call came to consider moving to Sarasota, it was a welcome surprise. After praying about the decision, our family made the move from our home in Livonia, Michigan to start a new adventure right here in Sarasota, Florida. We opened Chiropractic, Plain & Simple and haven’t looked back! “I am humbled at the response and like my Uncle, I now enjoy working with the patients that come to our office for care. I want to help make Sarasota a healthier, happier community through chiropractic care and a commitment to the true health.”
A Family Based on Love and Health

Dr. Kevin’s two sons: Levi & Zac – Growing Up Healthy with Chiropractic Care
Well, as you can imagine many years and two boys later, Dr. Kevin is still married to his beautiful wife, Kristine. “We enjoyed settling in, finding a church, and embracing the move together, as a family, here in Sarasota. Aside from my wife, my boys are the best gifts God has ever given me.”
Both of their sons are now in high school here in Sarasota. “Levi, our youngest, is passionate about computers and programming. He is involved with the Florida Branch of the National Technology Students Association.” “Our oldest son, Zac, thrives on the baseball field as a pitcher for Riverview High School Rams.” Both boys are healthy and have enjoyed getting adjusted since birth. “Zac gets into the office to be sure he gets adjusted before his baseball games because he feels like he can perform better, feels more relaxed and is at his best for his team.”
Ready to Discover Optimal Health?
“I love watching my patients get better, listening to their journey and watching them smile a littler bigger each time they visit us. My goal is to help you by showing you how chiropractic care can make a difference in your life.”
“Chiropractic care is safe and gentle. I welcome your questions, even the ones you think are not important enough to bother with. Stop by or give me a call so we can talk about it. I am glad to discuss what might be hindering you from the lifestyle you want to lead.” (941) 331-4334